Wednesday 9 November 2016

100 crore verses

When the original Ramayana consisting of 100 crore verses was expounded, each of the three groups of beings:

  1. humans, 
  2. devas and 
  3. asuras claimed the work for themselves. 
Unable to settle their squabble, they approached Lord Shiva.

Lord Shiva first split the 100 crore verses equally among each of the three groups of beings. (100 = 33 * 3 + 1). When this great task was completed, one verse was left over. The squabbling continued over the ownership of this last verse.

The Ramayana is composed in the Anushtub meter, consisting of 32 letters. Lord Shiva now divided this verse equally. (32 = 10 * 3 + 2). In order to be fair to all parties, he told them that he would personally safeguard the remaining two letters. Being given more than 33 crore verses each, the asuras, devas and humans alike were satisfied with the proposal and nodded their assent.

Then, one of them asked which aksharas Lord Shiva would be personally safegaurding. He replied: only the letters raa and ma. Only then did the beings realize, Rama is indeed the highest teaching.